Analytics for Jekyll by Hendrik Schneider: An effortless way to add various trackers like Google Analytics, Matomo (formerly Piwik), mPulse, etc. to your site.
ditaa-ditaa by Tom Thorogood: a drastic revision of jekyll-ditaa that renders diagrams drawn using ASCII art into PNG images.
Ditaa Tag by matze: Renders ASCII diagram art into PNG images and inserts a figure tag.
Jekyll Date Chart by GSI: Block that renders date line charts based on textile-formatted tables.
jekyll-mermaid: Simplify the creation of mermaid diagrams and flowcharts in your posts and pages.
Pygments Cache Path by Raimonds Simanovskis: Plugin to cache syntax-highlighted code from Pygments.
Jekyll-breadcrumbs: Creates breadcrumbs for Jekyll 3.x, includes features like SEO optimization, optional breadcrumb item translation and more.
jekyll-menus: Hugo style menus for your Jekyll site… recursive menus included.
Premonition: Adds block-styled side content to your page. For example summary, notes, hints or warning boxes.
Jekyll Project Version Tag: A Liquid tag plugin that renders a version identifier for your Jekyll site sourced from the git repository containing your code.
JAPR: Jekyll Asset Pipeline Reborn - Powerful asset pipeline for Jekyll that collects, converts and compresses JavaScript and CSS assets.
Jekyll-assets by ixti: Rails-alike assets pipeline (write assets in CoffeeScript, Sass, LESS etc; specify dependencies for automatic bundling using simple declarative comments in assets; minify and compress; use JST templates; cache bust; and many-many more).
[Jekyll-minibundle[( Asset bundling and cache busting using external minification tool of your choice. No gem dependencies.
Singlepage-jekyll by JCB-K: Turns Jekyll into a dynamic one-page website.
generator-jekyllrb: A generator that wraps Jekyll in Yeoman, a tool collection and workflow for building modern web apps.
grunt-jekyll: A straightforward Grunt plugin for Jekyll.
generator-jekyllized: A Yeoman generator for rapidly developing sites with Gulp. Live reload your site, automatically minify and optimize your assets and much more.
Jekyll-Post: A CLI tool to easily draft, edit, and publish Jekyll posts.
jekyll-get: Download data from external JSON API sources to use in generating a site.
Jekyll Auto Image by Merlos: Gets the first image of a post. Useful to list your posts with images or to add twitter cards to your site.
jekyll-postfiles: Add _postfiles directory and {% postfile %} tag so the files a post refers to will always be right there inside your repo.
jekyll-cat: Include the contents of any file (like the include command, but also for files outside of _include). Similar to Unix’ cat tool; useful for including source code etc. in posts and pages.
jekyll-data: Read data files within Jekyll Theme Gems.
Fetch remote file content by Dimitri König: Using remote_file_content tag you can fetch the content of a remote file and include it as if you would put the content right into your markdown file yourself. Very useful for including code from github repo’s to always have a current repo version.
jekyll-include-absolute-plugin by Tan Nhu: A Jekyll plugin to include a file from its path relative to Jekyll’s source folder.
Jekyll-Spotify: Easily output Spotify Embed Player for jekyll
Jekyll Picture Tag: Easy responsive images for Jekyll. Based on the proposed element, polyfilled with Scott Jehl’s Picturefill.
Jekyll Image Tag: Better images for Jekyll. Save image presets, generate resized images, and add classes, alt text, and other attributes.
*Jekyll Responsive Image: Responsive images for Jekyll. Automatically resizes images, supports all responsive methods (, srcset, Imager.js, etc), super-flexible configuration.
Jekyll Image Encode by GSI: Tag that renders base64 codes of images fetched from the web.
jekyll_figure: Generate figures and captions with links to the figure in a variety of formats
Jekyll-Youtube A Liquid tag that embeds Youtube videos. The default emded markup is responsive but you can also specify your own by using an include/partial.
Jekyll Flickr Plugin by Lawrence Murray: Embeds Flickr photosets (albums) as a gallery of thumbnails, with lightbox links to larger images.
jekyll-figure: A liquid tag for Jekyll that generates <figure> elements.
Jekyll Video Embed: It provides several tags to easily embed videos (e.g. Youtube, Vimeo, UStream and Ted Talks)
jekyll-algolia: Add fast and relevant search to your Jekyll site through the Algolia API.
jekyll-pre-commit: A framework for running checks against your posts using a git pre-commit hook before you publish them.
jekyll-pwa-plugin: A plugin provides PWA support for Jekyll. It generates a service worker in Jekyll build process and makes precache and runtime cache available in the runtime with Google Workbox.
Jekyll Maps by Anatoliy Yastreb: A Jekyll plugin to easily embed maps with filterable locations.