Gitlab Workflow


label 策略

created labels for “discussion”, “backend”, “frontend”, “working on”, “staging”, “ready”, “docs”, “marketing”, and “production”



  1. 创建一个feature issue,打上 “discussion”
  2. 讨论通过,删除 “discussion” 标签 ,打上 “working on”,指派给开发人员。
  3. 开发人员创建 feature-branch ,开发完成,创建 MR(Merge Request)申请将 commit 提交到 feature-branch 上。
    • MR 描述包含 issue closing pattern ,例如:Closes #xxx
  4. 其他团队成员,对 MR 进行 review,测试是否能编译通过,测试功能。
  5. 测试通过后,feature issue 删除 “working on” 标签 ,打上 “staging” 标签。
  6. 线上验收通过后,从 “staging” 标签 改为 “ready”。
  7. 文档人员将 标签改为 “docs”,编写文档。
  8. 文档写完,运维人员将功能上线,标签改为 “production” ,关闭 issue。


Git Flow

  • 存在问题
    1. developers must use the develop branch and not master, master is reserved for code that is released to production.
    2. the complexity introduced by the hotfix and release branches.
    3. too complex for most of the use cases. doing releases doesn’t automatically mean also doing hotfixes.

Gitllab Flow

  • has only feature branches and a master branch.

Prodcution Branch with Gitlab Flow

  • 需要发布时,才从 master 合并到 production-branch
  • 利用 production-branch 部署
  • 通过 production-branch,可以统计开发时间

Release branches with GitLab flow

  • bug fixes are first merged into master and then cherry-picked into the release branch.
  • This is called an ‘upstream first’ policy that is also practiced by Google and Red Hat.
  • Every time a bug-fix is included in a release branch the patch version is raised (to comply with Semantic Versioning) by setting a new tag.

Merge/pull requests with GitLab flow

  1. 创建 MR,但不指派任何人,在描述或者备注中 cc 给相关的开发人员(如,/cc @mark @susan)
  2. 如果 MR 准备好了,就指派给 管理员 (someone with master authorizations) review 吧;管理员不爽这个MR,是可以直接丢弃掉的,不会 Merge 到主干上。
  • 每次 MR 被 merge 到主干,采用的是 non fast forward 模式( –no-ff ),一定会产生一个commit。

Issues with GitLab flow

  • Having a reason for every code change is important
  • keep the scope of a feature branch small
  • In GitLab each change to the codebase starts with an issue in the issue tracking system.
  • 处理 issue 前先从 master 开一个分支,分支名称以issue 号开头,如, ‘15-require-a-password-to-change-it’.
  • 开发完成或者想与 team 讨论 issue,创建一个 MR。对于要讨论的 MR,标题冠以 WIP,意为 work-in-process

在 MR 中关闭或者链接 Issue

  • commit messages 包含 fixes #14, closes #67, 等内容,或 MR 描述包含这些内容,MR 被 merge 进主干时, issue 被自动关闭。
  • 也可以使用 #xxx ,来仅仅关联 commit 和 issue。

Issue closing pattern

默认可以使用的关键字,在 commmit message 中使用,可自动关闭 issue

  • Close, Closes, Closed, Closing, close, closes, closed, closing
  • Fix, Fixes, Fixed, Fixing, fix, fixes, fixed, fixing
  • Resolve, Resolves, Resolved, Resolving, resolve, resolves, resolved, resolving


Awesome commit message

Fix #20, Fixes #21 and Closes group/otherproject#22.
This commit is also related to #17 and fixes #18, #19



“going faster from idea to production in 10 steps.”

  1. IDEA: 集成了 Mattermost.
  2. ISSUE: 自带 Gitlab Issue Tracker.
  3. PLAN: 自带 GiLab Issue Board.
  4. CODE:
  5. COMMIT:
  6. TEST: 集成了 GitLab CI
  7. REVIEW: 自带 Gitlab Code Reviewed
  10. FEEDBACK: 集成了 Cycle Analytics